Sunday, July 29, 2007

random post

I haven't been blogging much, too busy with HOMEWORK and ASSIGNMENTS and PROJECTS which all just seem to pile up so suddenly. I dunno if I can ever get everything done before camp. Speaking of camp, we're gonna be sleeping in tents for the first two days.. I guess it'll be quite fun getting swarmed by vicious insects hungry for your flesh and blood.. But look on the positive side.. Oh wait, there ISN'T any positive side. LOL so lame. bahahahaha. I'm so exhausted.. On sat, I played tennis, squash, ran on the treadmill and went swimming. Today I played tennis again. yaay. I didn't do any of my history like I promised myself i would. I feel terrible not doing any work during the weekend, i am so dead. x.x I've never been so worried about homework in my life, except when i was in primary school, but thats different cause the teachers there are slave-drivers. I'm so sick of carbonara pasta, or anything white saucey. blergh. I should stop rambling now and get started on my history. noooooooo. Just the thought of it sends chills down my spine. Oh I watched this really old television series called Mind Your English. Its soooo funny and its also part of the reason why I got no work done at all. Oh school again tomorrow. How sad sad sad sad sad.. Gotta wake up early again blahh. No nice fishes in school. Blah. Oh I like the new uniforms, esp the blue one. Love the blue onee, the colour is SO cool. I hope we get it soon, the yellow one keeps shedding threads. LOL. Yeah gotta do history. History history history I'm rambling and mumbling so much cause i'd do anything just to get out of doing history i can't face the book, i feel as if it would bite me and then bore me to bits. OMG SRSLY I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL i dunno why. :( I miss the holidays so much.

I was gonna say something but i can't remember what.

okay bye.



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